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Kérdések  |  score: 4  |  4.96 6.54 7.04 |  786 játékos oldotta meg  |  2237880 views  |  óta Augusztus 27, 2010 - 21:54:30

The Guestbook (Exploit, PHP, MySQL)

The Guestbook
This time you have to exploit a small guestbook to retrieve the admin password.
Again you are given the guestbook sourcecode, also as highlighted version.
Currently there is no way to register or login to the guestbook tables, but an admin account already exists.
The solution is the Admin password, case sensitive.

Note: Every session gets it own guestbook to play with. However you should clear your guestbook when you are done, as your entries can be read by skilled players.

Your Guestbook

A te megoldásod The Guestbook
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