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PyDéfis offers you small programming challenges (algorithms, computer science, graph theory, recursion, ...) in the form of (more or less) short statements. The site is available in French only.
Sites origin country France
Language French
Site Admins snarkturne
Auto update yes
Has OnSiteRank yes
WarBoxes 0
Score 27566
Base-Score 10000
Users 4067
Challs 272
Linked users 78
Average 35.92%
Difficulty 50.00%
Enjoyment 100.00%
Latest 4 active Players, ordered by last update (14d)
Score history for site PyDéfis
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Comments on Pydéfis

Global Rank: 7
Totalscore: 499362
Posts: 67
Thanks: 89
UpVotes: 68
Registered: 16y 146d
lordOric`s Avatar

Last Seen: 97d 12h
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RE: Comments on Pydéfis
Google/translate1Thank You!1Good Post!0Bad Post! link
Pydéfis on wechall ? Awesome ! ;-)

However, updating my stats does not work :
GeSHi`ed Plaintext code
    is not a valid response from PyDéfis.
Global Rank: 5
Totalscore: 548555
Posts: 206
Thanks: 214
UpVotes: 215
Registered: 14y 282d

Last Seen: 11h 49m
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RE: Comments on Pydéfis
Google/translate2Thank You!2Good Post!0Bad Post! link
Glad you like it!

The issue has been resolved by snarkturne.
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