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Questions  |  score: 5  |  7.00 3.00 6.00 |  Résolu par 2 personnes  |  5352 views  |  depuis Décembre 23, 2022 - 10:51:55

Tribal Revival (Encoding, Crypto, Special)

TBS Revival
Hello hacker,

Challenge sites come and challenge sites go. And wechall is in business since 2008.

Before that, the first site i played was TBS, and it was an awesome time.

We are trying to revive the site and I made a tribute challenge for it.

Can you combine the two streams to reveal the secret message?

 TBS STILL LIVES! K12C378l0127001ken6317HMX0101Fox1337intitlezougS0410N3Shens9211020020x702ch0x174n14ray1246Vector060SA007R777peter50216Nap000000Pascualinorws2154jcambjustus666Diablo4rm4g3dd0nbusyrShiroaguilanegraChaosdreamerC0LDZ3R0great7venxcrissxcrossxalbert42001a900061Z1ncAndre80x86X1337X2600weaselyhatadv15fudw33bsosHg86wis3guyyoshi57as21oep111jerrydav911alt3rn4tiv3csulok2000thong20695andre9obbkar10scaos1986jen140neuzSD1234TEARdropionTowleySoukettebeloApprentice56shotgun0007MotherTigeryowwin17r0lowmanBTS0x0Raydenrayden5zoubidanosdtellenMercVericJFFhexbmbamit02204Lothdeadbabatillosziren1981maciej1234567user7771911TheMinouchespoolerx0r19x91GozuByt3sforzayaltag3ol4d0jObooWpika0923So1D3d1Sec0bred0nd05Nostrhothethienworfeusunreg08andrex66NETELECTRONphoenix12040x87kVishiusfredSellroy999noxfreakBong91cof123creasterylesserlightsofheavenindecisoconfundidof34rgh4lgreenbitegiunio123
^*7+ ^-1-7*6 *0 /  ^-1^/  / ^/ ^ *6+^/^*11 / ^ *7^/^ *06-4+*6*00+1 / *1+100+6 /^^/^^/ ^/ ^*2 / ^/^^/^*0 /  -474+5 /^ *1 ^*1+^*20244 /  ^*0 /  / -4+^-506*6*7.+ / -1+00+0000+ /^*7032-6-4 *0,+^ *001+2*001+21-80-207*62+601+-2*50-2*81^/^-3+1-5-4+ *0-1-1*615-6*07+ /^^/ ^*0 /^^/ ^*01+015+^*1 / ^/^^/  / *00^*6'*8+48^ -1,+ / *00+1+^*000*1+0*02+ ^*0+^-202 ^*86+^-17 / ^*6  -5-1-2^-6^/^ /  ^-74+^/ ^^*000+ ^-1+*7^/^-2*1 / ^*66+^^*002+61^/  -4*0.+-7+811 *0^/ ^-7+ -33+-6-30005^/  ^*0  -2 /^^/^^ -4+-5-1+7*0-2+0 -3^*8,+178+ /^-500-3^*4+5*1-5+*200+001+0000+*00+4*02.+*30+4+^-1*0+ /^^^*200+0000,+7+3000+-8^*0^/^^^*2*624 /^ / ^^*48 /^ /  -3+*06+^/ *0*002.+ / ^/^^-6 -73*3^-5*7,+*63^*8 -8+6*5*0!+*03*4^/  /^-3^^*00+*2 / *1+ *001+-20  -2-206+5^ -6+1120,+*000+-6^^*0*8*0-7 /^-6*04:+ / ^-1^-2 *10+^*100 -48+*1 /^*18-10+24-2-2  *4+ ^*40001+*0-7*0 -235^-1-6-64^*7*065!+*6083'-2+2 *33 ^-26-8,+24*24 *8-3-4.

The solution is bound to your session.

- gizmore
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