I have recently posted alot on this forum, but this time I am posting rather like a confession. (Also, idk why the forums here are not that active, prob because of summer).
I do not see myself as a hacker, but rather more of a math and programming guy. The reason I started RoseCode was just because I got inspired from projecteuler alot. At the time, I was rather new to programming, I had just swıtched my major from biology to computer science. So, I had done many mistakes along the road regarding rosecode.(I even have been hacked once!) I was rather amateurish, but eager to come up with a decent site. This is not something related to rosecode anyhow. In old days, I had enjoyed competitiveness and saw the life as a race. Perhaps, going through some hardship I ripenned a bit (at least that is how I feel now). At the moment, I am more enthusiastic about sharing knowledge and advancing not as individuals, but as a collective society. On this, I really appreciate wechall members here. I have gone through some old pms both here and on my site. You have been all helpful and kind all the time. So, I just want to thank this community for its unique spirit and its desire for mental development. Also, I want to apologize if I have done something wrong being a webmaster. While writing this, I have nothing negative in mind and no hidden motivation. Perhaps one, more of a suggestion, is that we may value communication more here. Wechall can be a great portal for such a collaboration.