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unable to complete (possible missing js/redirect?)  Go to the bill for Bill challenge

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unable to complete (possible missing js/redirect?)
Google/translate1Aitäh!1Hea postitus!0Halb postitus! link
If you haven't completed the challenge, i wouldn't read this. I've tried my best any how to be vague in that case anyway

I'm not sure if there's javascript that isn't leading me onto the next step or not.
I've done the first step, onto the second, got in, gone through and deleted what needs to be deleted, but after i do, it doesn't bring me anywhere. The url ends in del=del and leads to the inbox with the email gone but i can't see where i'm supposed to get the code to complete the challenge. There's one possible code that was used to access the email account which i've tried but that doesn't seem to be it either.
If i go back to the page that tells you to get the credit card, it's back at the beginning.
Global Rank: 55
Totalscore: 255175
Postitused: 156
Aitäh: 132
Üleshääled: 163
Registreeritud: 16y 357d

Viimati nähtud: 91d 4h
Kasutaja on hetkel väljas
RE: unable to complete (possible missing js/redirect?)
Google/translate1Aitäh!1Hea postitus!0Halb postitus! link
This challenge is still working. Just try a bit more Drool
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