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CGX#10: SQL Injection (Training, CGX, Exploit, MySQL)

CGX: SQL Injection
Hello future Hackers,

In this tutorial you will learn a tiny bit about SQL and injections.
There is a little training challenge waiting for you, which we will dicuss in the video.

You can see the source of the first level at mask1.code

- gizmore and x
Problem #1
Problem #2
Your solution for CGX#10: SQL Injection
# CGX#10: SQL Injection

This video introduces you to SQL and SQL Injections.

We will create a database and play with it a bit,

and will crack a demo application with SQL injection.


- SQL Basics
- Quoting and Escaping
- md5 hashes for passwords
- Demo Application
- Injections
- Second Task
- Further Exploitation
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