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Clasificación global: 916
Puntuación total: 28157
Mensajes: 2
Agradecer: 2
Voto positivo: 1
Registrado: 16A 105d
Última vez visto: 12A 54d
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Google/Traductor1¡Gracias!0Buen mensaje!1Mal mensaje! link
Well I just solved another wechall challenge, and hoping to see if my rank had changed I checked the rankings and it said I had 0% of wechall done. When in fact I had all chals but morsed completed. Sooooo, I went to my account and clicked the 'update' button for wechall and it said nothing was changed, and sure enough.. I was still at 0% completed. Soooooooooooo then I unlinked wechall and tried to link it again, and now it says that the user/email combination is invalid.
Clasificación global: 252
Puntuación total: 87258
Mensajes: 1644
Agradecer: 1343
Voto positivo: 894
Registrado: 16A 120d

Última vez visto: 2d 4h
El usuario está desconectado
Google/Traductor1¡Gracias!0Buen mensaje!1Mal mensaje! link
Problem should be fixed now.

It was because the include structure changed a lot,
and the whole change was not entirely tested

Thanks for reporting this.

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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