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Forum listing mouseover

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Forum listing mouseover
Google/Traductor2¡Gracias!0Buen mensaje!2Mal mensaje! link

Congrats on the changes made. It's more exciting now Smile

Now when you mouse over the title row in the forum, you really want to click on the title. But it's not obvious you're clicking on the title link. A couple of times I wanted to click on the title link but ended on the profile of the user. Maybe have different hover effects for the different links, but make the title link more prominent (perhaps by making the Creator and From's link words smaller).

Edited: Another suggestion. How about putting the thread summary that's currently above the forum listing at the side? Like 75% for the forum listing and 25% for the thread summary?

Última edición por Sphinx - Marzo 01, 2009 - 14:44:20
Clasificación global: 252
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Última vez visto: 1d 16h
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Forum listing mouseover
Google/Traductor2¡Gracias!0Buen mensaje!2Mal mensaje! link
I added a small icon to the thread table links.

the 25% / 75% is not that good... some people might still use 1024*768

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Clasificación global: 3478
Puntuación total: 5704
Mensajes: 30
Agradecer: 39
Voto positivo: 21
Registrado: 16A 119d
Última vez visto: 10A 223d
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Forum listing mouseover
Google/Traductor2¡Gracias!0Buen mensaje!2Mal mensaje! link
You could use percentages so it doesn't matter what the resolution is...but ya, it was a bad idea ;)
tunelko, quangntenemy, TheHiveMind, Z, balicocat, Ge0, samuraiblanco, arraez, jcquinterov, hophuocthinh, alfamen2, burhanudinn123, Ben_Dover, stephanduran89, braddie0, SwolloW, dangarbri, kalungmas se suscribieron a este tema y reciben emails en nuevas publicaciones.
1 personas están viendo el tema ahora mismo.
Este tema ha sido visto 12400 veces.