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The graphs of the score don't support the new scoring system. :)

Clasificación global: 7
Puntuación total: 500035
Mensajes: 67
Agradecer: 89
Voto positivo: 68
Registrado: 16A 103d
Ávatar de lordOric

Última vez visto: 53d 20h
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The graphs of the score don't support the new scoring system. :)
Google/Traductor1¡Gracias!0Buen mensaje!1Mal mensaje! link

I think that the scale of the graph is based on the current score, instead of the max. And, as you can see, the current score is not necessary equal to the max. Smile

Última edición por lordOric - Enero 28, 2009 - 09:24:27
Clasificación global: 73
Puntuación total: 213034
Mensajes: 148
Agradecer: 206
Voto positivo: 107
Registrado: 16A 119d
Ávatar de Kender

Última vez visto: 2A 90d
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The graphs of the score don't support the new scoring system. :)
Google/Traductor1¡Gracias!0Buen mensaje!1Mal mensaje! link
Cita de lordOric

I think that the scale of the graph is based on the current score, instead of the max. And, as you can see, the current score is not necessary equal to the max. Smile

You're right. Fixed. Thanks!
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