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Have almost everything  Go to the MD5.SALT challenge

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Do I have to crack the admin's hash or there is an easier way? I have the hash and I also know what the salt is...
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Yes the hash needs to be cracked.
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As an additional hint:
It can be easily cracked with a common english wordlist.
I chose a long, plural, lowercase word.

Good luck and have fun with the challenges Smile
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Quote from CHItA
Nov 15, 2010 - 18:46:40

Do I have to crack the admin's hash or there is an easier way?

I tried, unsuccessfully, to get around cracking the hash. I'm not sure that would have been an easier way though. Smile

Cracking it isn't hard if you know the salt, have a decent wordlist, and the right tool. It cracked in seconds for me, once I had those three things. Really, if you've got the hash and the salt you have already done the hardest part.
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Quote from shadum
Cracking it isn't hard if you know the salt, have a decent wordlist, and the right tool. It cracked in seconds for me, once I had those three things. Really, if you've got the hash and the salt you have already done the hardest part.

I totally agree with Gizmore and shadum. The cracking part took me around 10 seconds. The hardest part was to find the hash .. it took me ages!
Last edited by Jinx - Nov 15, 2010 - 21:04:00
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That's quiet funny because for me to get these stuff was the shorter part, now i try to find wordlists and password crackers that is able to crack pass.salt format and these stuff didn't work at all... :/

EDIT: Finally I got the answer Smile thanks for hints!
Last edited by CHItA - Nov 15, 2010 - 22:17:52
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I have the hash, it was the easier part for me. The cracking could be easy also, but I don't know what the salt is.
Is it a "guess the salt" challenge or I have to get the salt somehow else?
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yeap you can guess the salt if you are lucky enough.. Drool
but there is a way to find it so you don't have to guess anything...
so no it's not a "guess the salt" challenge.. Smile
good luck

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Quote from criple_ripper
Dec 03, 2010 - 12:04:15

yeap you can guess the salt if you are lucky enough.. Drool
but there is a way to find it so you don't have to guess anything...
so no it's not a "guess the salt" challenge.. Smile
good luck


oh, ok, then i've to rethink it Smile
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there are many ways to use the salt..
like md5(md5(pass).md5(salt)) or md5(pass.md5(salt)) or md5(md5(pass).salt) or even md5(pass.salt)
is the used way mentioned in the title (md5(md5(pass).salt))?
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