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Fragen  |  score: 4  |  5.07 6.64 8.43 |  Von 34 Mitgliedern gelöst  |  4282196 views  |  seit 12. Okt 2020 15:38:04

Training: Time is of the Essence (Training, Coding, Exploit)

Time is of the Essence
From time to time, a sidechannel vulnerability pops up in various applications.
Most of them use timing as the sidechannel to reveal something.
In this training challenge you have to exploit a simple password comparison.
I have added sleeps to make the challenge solveable more easily. If you think it would be solveable without the sleeps, contact me.

Again you are given the source, also as highlighted version.

Thanks go to tehron and livinskull for testing the challenge.

Good luck!
Ihre Lösung für Training: Time is of the Essence
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