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CGX#6: Functions and Variables (Encoding, Training, CGX)

CGX#6: Variables and Functions
Hello Challengers,

Please bear with another video tryout from us @Codinggeex I was not brave enough to watch it myself yet,
but maybe it is not that bad.

gizmore and x
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# CGX#6: Functions and Variables

In this video we talk quickly about the most
essential and basic things in programming,
so you hear a few technical terms already.

Again we are using PHP, but we will start with machine code soon :D

And... no worries, you will probably learn about all this more later, by some examples and better languages.

- Enjoy!
- gizmore and x

## Digital Programming Tools

- Variables
- Primitives (int, float, string, boolean)
- Arrays (order is stable, size and implementation is dynamic)
- Functions
- Parameters
- Scopes (local, global)
- Foreach / While / Do / Loops / Control

- Questions?

We hope you liked this and,
See you soon!
© 2023 und 2024 by gizmore und x