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...and I am not yet awake, too  Go to the SSH... Z is sleeping challenge

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...and I am not yet awake, too
Google/fordító3Köszönjük!4Értékes üzenet!0Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
I am at a point where I probably miss something important. The files placed at the obvious locations contain one half needed for a "two part communication". However, to my knowledge it is not the required part to initialize this connection but to accept it. The algorithm itself for the given key length is not reversible in realistic times. The implementation of openssh is up to date (not the old D****n one). The title seems to point to Z's account. He also has group permissions for the level user. However, you would need to have user permissions anyway. I cannot "find" any more files belonging to z or level8 which are readable by me.

Did a file disappear from the server or am I just missing something?


€: Changed a bit in order not to spoil too much
Utoljára szerkesztette: HiPhiSch - Március 18, 2012 - 14:20:22
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RE: ...and I am not yet awake, too
Google/fordító2Köszönjük!1Értékes üzenet!2Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
Maybe the *** is new, but the **** are old ... you guessed the right thing in your post above. You probably now also know which Smile

Good luck and Happy challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Utoljára szerkesztette: gizmore - Március 18, 2012 - 15:39:01
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RE: ...and I am not yet awake, too
Google/fordító1Köszönjük!1Értékes üzenet!0Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
So its time to ask for a hint.

- level8 home folder: /home/level/8
- List of files:
GeSHi`ed bash kód részére ls
ls -alR
total 36
drwxr-xr-x  4 level8 level8 4096 2012-07-26  .
drwxr-xr-x 24 root   root   4096 2014-01-18  ..drwxrwxr-x  2 level8 level8 4096 2012-02-21  backups
-rw-------  1 level8 level8  932 2014-02-03  .bash_history
-rwx------  1 level8 level8  128 2011-11-28  .bash_logout
-rwx------  1 level8 level8  193 2011-11-25  .bash_profile
-rwx------  1 level8 level8  590 2011-12-06  .bashrc-r--------  1 level8 level8   49 2011-12-28  solution.txt
drwx------  2 level8 level8 4096 2012-02-21  .ssh
total 12drwxrwxr-x 2 level8 level8 4096 2012-02-21  .
drwxr-xr-x 4 level8 level8 4096 2012-07-26  ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   level8  382 2011-12-28  authorized_keys.backup
ls: cannot open directory ./.ssh: Permission denied

So the only thing I can do is to view authorized_keys.backup file.
I cannot change this file and add my pub key with hope that user will restore backup.
I cant even create new file with my pub key as authorized_keys.backup1 and then cheange user and permissions.
i even try sudo... and get busted ;)
GeSHi`ed bash kód részére sudo
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
    #1) Respect the privacy of others.    #2) Think before you type.
    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.
flaps is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported. 

So i suppose its wrong thinking.

Please give me a hint or PM me.
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RE: ...and I am not yet awake, too
Google/fordító1Köszönjük!2Értékes üzenet!0Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
For a hint, read the two posts above yours.
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RE: ...and I am not yet awake, too
Google/fordító1Köszönjük!1Értékes üzenet!0Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
Yes, sir.
I have read the four posts already.
But I still could not figure out what exactly I can do with only a "ssh-rsa public key file"..

Is there more hint special for me?
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RE: ...and I am not yet awake, too
Google/fordító0Köszönjük!1Értékes üzenet!0Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
Once there was a security desaster with debian ssh keys..... read up on this
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: ...and I am not yet awake, too
Google/fordító1Köszönjük!1Értékes üzenet!0Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
I find a vuln,and i get a private key. use ssh -I key to login ,but need password. why?
Utoljára szerkesztette: knywi9 - Augusztus 02, 2019 - 17:10:42
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RE: ...and I am not yet awake, too
Google/fordító1Köszönjük!2Értékes üzenet!0Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
Because that's not how you specify the key. And you also have the wrong user.
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RE: ...and I am not yet awake, too
Google/fordító1Köszönjük!1Értékes üzenet!0Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
thanks, ssh -i and user is l*****.
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RE: ...and I am not yet awake, too
Google/fordító1Köszönjük!1Értékes üzenet!0Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
Thank you for the state of the challenge directory, flaps!
It seems that some files are currently missing since the lost of the previous warchall box.
Do you still have it somewhere?
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