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Valentine's Gold - Goldbach's_conjecture  Go to the Valentine's Gold challenge

Globális ranglista: 252
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Utoljára it járt: 8ó 33p
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Valentine's Gold - Goldbach's_conjecture
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Dear Challengers,

Recently i thought about the Goldbach's conjecture.

I wanted to play with numbers a little and tehron and i eventually made a challenge out of it.

We hope you will like this little programming excercise and wish you...
Happy Challenging!

- gizmore and tehron

PS: My proof to the conjecture:

1) Adding two odd numbers yields an even number. Adding 0.5 to the probabilty that an even number is covered.
2) Something with log(n)
3) ????
4) Profit ;)
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Globális ranglista: 252
Összpontszám: 87260
Üzenetek: 1644
Köszönetek: 1343
Jó szavazatok: 893
Regisztrált: 16é 115n

Utoljára it járt: 8ó 33p
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RE: Valentine's Gold - Goldbach's_conjecture
Google/fordító0Köszönjük!0Értékes üzenet!0Gagyi üzenet! kapcsolás
I thought more about a proof and i just came up with an idea to disproof it, which i need to calculate.

Let us assume the number of even numbers called "eve(N)" is N/2
Let us assume the number of primes called "p(N)" is N/log(N)
Then, the number of possible combinations called "comb(N)" is p(N)^2

maybe there is a spot somewhere in N where the follwing happens: eve(N) > comb(N)
This would mean that there are simply more even numbers than possible prime combinations for a large N.
This would disproof the conjecture.

But i guess eve(N) is always smaller than comb(N)...

- gizmore
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