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Kérdések  |  score: 4  |  4.33 6.30 6.67 |  497 játékos oldotta meg  |  78932 views  |  óta Április 12, 2012 - 17:13:32

Py-Tong (Exploit, Python, Warchall)

A fellow hacker is challenging you to exploit a simple python script.
To exploit it live, you have to create your Warchall account and try your luck there.
To see what it is about you can also view the source here.

Note: It is not required to trigger a race condition, but it should work as well.
Note: You have to use the binary "pytong" not the It is a wrapper which is needed for SETREGID and finally gives the solution.

Happy Challenging!
A te megoldásod Py-Tong
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