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Kérdések  |  score: 4  |  3.46 4.54 7.92 |  50 játékos oldotta meg  |  7022 views  |  óta Június 29, 2021 - 04:30:48

The Mime Files (Exploit)

The Mime Files
Hello Hacker,

As you know, i am constantly developing great new websites.

But this time, i am puzzled...
Somehow, hackers broke into my new site "The Mime Files" and read the contents of solution.php.


Can you help me to find the vulnerability?

To help you out you can peek at the source again on github.
- gizmore

Shouts go out to the wechall admins; dloser, tehron and livinskull :)
A te megoldásod The Mime Files
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