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Agent Larry  Go to the Agent Larry challenge

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RE: Agent Larry
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Another hint regarding this challenge: if you want to find the password, you have to find a special program (hint in the challenge description), which will "calculate" the password instantly. No bruteforce, no dictionary attack, no hybrid attack...
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RE: Agent Larry
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Ok I've found 2 tools on the same site. The one which comes to my mind is only given by the sourcecodes, but it should calculate the password outta the found things. Atm I'm having problems compiling it.
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RE: Agent Larry
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I always compile in cygwin when using windows, it has to work.
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RE: Agent Larry
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The tool compiled fine with mingw, but it always results in an empty password. To make sure I wasn't using it wrong I tried with the parameters from the tool's README, but the password still ends up blank...
If anybody else came across this problem, hints would be helpful! Smile

EDIT: recompiled with VS express 2010 and everything worked fine
Last edited by xp45g - Jan 25, 2013 - 00:04:25
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RE: Agent Larry
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Is this challenge solveable purely on linux? I don't have any MS OS.
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RE: Agent Larry
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Quote from space
Sep 06, 2018 - 16:12:52

Is this challenge solveable purely on linux? I don't have any MS OS.

It seems you can solve the challenge without the DLL's if you do a harder research for other tools. But these tools still use "windows.h", so I solved it with Windows XP Pro. Maybe somewhen it works without windows, afaics should the code be portable.
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