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Happy 10th Anniversary

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RE: Happy 10th Anniversary
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Already 10 years ? Wow.
I remember the birth of WeChall. At that time I thought that it was an awesome and very clever idea. I still think it is.
Thanks to everyone involved, especially @Gizmore !

Happy birthday WeChall !
Last edited by lordOric - Feb 16, 2018 - 18:39:20
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RE: Happy 10th Anniversary
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Yes, 10 years!

I quite like the idea of random stats dropping.
I remember those days when I was in top 10 (...of 10).

Thanks gizmore for your work and dedication all those years Smile

Happy birthday WeChall!

And on to the next 10 years!
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RE: Happy 10th Anniversary
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Happy Birthday WeChall!

Excellent to see how it all keeps going at a good pace. And, I guess, there is a lot of growth coming in the next decade, considering the extent of technology and implicitly of people that "find out" about security and get interested.

Great job Gizmore, Kender, dloser, livinskull and all the others that helped! Keep up the great work!
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