The task
Your task is simple. Just compute the equation and submit the result as number in the solution-base.
Please use the provided charset for your computations.
For example, the uppercase hex charset is 0123456789ABCDEF. The charsets here are case-sensitive.
Base N means the base is using the first N chars from the charset.
Charset: 6PQGVgC7F@aKpc_mMlD93wWeos8]qTEty{#0hSHiL45rNbnkdAz}1Z[YUJjvIROfX2uBx
Input Base: 53
Solution Base: 13
Timelimit: 3.1416 seconds
P#yoH * Pa0H{ * pH6k * ES7W * D}dQ * 78da *
P1ep] * }8T3 * PsSW_ * Pa9ck * 5kl3 * k1FC *
]w#3 * Ph4h7 * PN64p * m]p} * PGnCN * P9r{i *
PHVe9 * nAo * PCWiQ * QPGWm * ykgl
+ PpL8h
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