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Hi all, i am looking for someone who solved the app4 (Hertz) challenge. I solved the passwords and the g string bit a simple concat of making characters from the passwords concatenated with the g string doesn't seem to work...
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When I try to register on the site, it gives me 500 internal server error Sad

Quote from Mark-Twain

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This link? so, you need to contact them...
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Yep, that link. I already contacted them, but I thought I’d try my luck on the Wechall forums while I wait Smile

Quote from Mark-Twain

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Still down, I’m afraid, and no reply to my ticket. Perhaps someone could check to verify this problem isn’t happening just for me?

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Well, login with an existing account still works, but shoutbox give a 500, and forums give a 500 too. Probably got to wait for them.
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Also, the captcha on the contact page doesn’t seem to be working

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I can't register either, I also get the 500 error so you're not alone.
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RE: Comments on ThisIsLegal
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And after the SSL problem...
Now it's the message "Connection to database failed failed: Connection refused" that appears...
I'll never be SiteMaster Sad
EDIT : It seems to have been fixed Happy
Last edited by Ketza - Apr 26, 2024 - 22:12:47
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