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CanYouHack.It is a security based challenge site where members get to show of their skills, learn new ones and socialize with others like them selves.
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Язык English
Категория меток Crypto, Exploit, Stegano, Programming
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Comments on CanYouHack.It

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RE: Comments on CanYouHack.It
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After the great success we had last year with the The CanYouHack.It launch competition We've decided to host another one.

The amazing prize you can win this time is a MakeyMakey!

For those of you that haven't heard of a MakeyMakey it lets you turn anything into a key. You can view the youtube video demonstrating the MakeyMakey.

MaKey MaKey - An Invention Kit for Everyone

What do I have to do to win this amazing prize?

It’s simple. All you have to do is create a challenge for CanYouHack.It and submit it to us. the Admins and Mods will then review them and the one we find the most creative and fun wins the MakeyMakey. (We would let members vote for their favourite however that would only work if everyone solves each other’s challenge or we give away the answer which will ruin the fun for every one and nobody wants that)

Once we have had a few challenges submitted and people start showing interest I will decide on a deadline.

What are the rules?

None besides just fallow the guidelines on how to submit a new challenge. (And the challenge must be made by you of course) That info can be found on the following forum How to contribute challenges

P.S you can submit more than one challenge if you like however we will be judging each challenge separately and only your best challenge will be competing with other submissions.

If you are interested in the challenge just reply below and let me know so we know roughly how many people are entering this competition Smile

People Entering So Far:

Last edited by sepehr - Feb 02, 2014 - 15:22:36
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RE: Comments on CanYouHack.It
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Count me in.
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RE: Comments on CanYouHack.It
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2 more users and we can set a deadline Smile
Глобальный рейтинг: 319
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Registered: 10y 255d

Last Seen: 2y 142d
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RE: Comments on CanYouHack.It
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Count me in. I'm not totally sure what category, but I will prepare a challenge.
Clownlay, tunelko, feicuijade, quangntenemy, TheHiveMind, Z, balicocat, Ge0, samuraiblanco, arraez, jcquinterov, hophuocthinh, alfamen2, burhanudinn123, Ben_Dover, stephanduran89, braddie0, SwolloW, dangarbri, kalungmas have subscribed to this thread and receive emails on new posts.
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