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Here at SecurityOverride, we offer pen-testing tutorials, hacking challenges, security articles, security forums, hacking forums, exploits, tools, and more.. Our main goals are to help you develop your penetration testing skills, and to help you prevent security attacks in the future. "In order to learn computer security you must first learn how to breach it."
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RE: Comments on Security Override
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Does anyone know what has happened to Security Override? It has been down for at least 12 hours now, and its not just me.
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RE: Comments on Security Override
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Don't know yet what happened, but the site is reachable through in the meantime.

EDIT: I have changed the site settings from http://securityoverride.com/ to IP address temporarily.
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Last edited by gizmore - Oct 27, 2011 - 16:32:33
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RE: Comments on Security Override
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Hmmm.... whois gives DNS servers as "NS1.SUSPENDED-FOR.SPAM-AND-ABUSE.COM" and "NS2.SUSPENDED-FOR.SPAM-AND-ABUSE.COM". Looks like the registrar (GoDaddy) is bent out of shape about something.
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RE: Comments on Security Override
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I apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing people. However, using the IP address to connect will allow you to use the resources. While we resolve the issue, please do as stated above Smile
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RE: Comments on Security Override
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Quote from NullSet
Nov 05, 2011 - 17:17:36

I apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing people. However, using the IP address to connect will allow you to use the resources. While we resolve the issue, please do as stated above Smile

Thanks. I am happy to know that the issue is being addressed and that the site has not been abandoned.
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RE: Comments on Security Override
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It is notable that the site may be accessed through This Link too.
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