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Security Traps
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RE: Comments on Security Traps
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I recently did the 5 pre levels again and all but pre 5 worked fine. Mawekl fixed pre 5, so each of the 5 pre levels is working again!

Regarding expired certificate: I'll inform Mawekl about it. The certificate for the site has expired, but this shouldn't have an effect on the challenges.
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RE: Comments on Security Traps
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It does, however, affect linking to the site Smile
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RE: Comments on Security Traps
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DNS of securitytraps.pl is not resolving. For now you can access the page by IP
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RE: Comments on Security Traps
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Didn't try yesterday, but DNS works for me atm.
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RE: Comments on Security Traps
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Is 'PHP Traps 2' / '#2 Cross the Site' broken?

It seems to me, that some parts of the sourcecode is missing or we need to use r*******g****** trick, which seems to be disabled. Or just don't understand the purpose of the challenge...
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RE: Comments on Security Traps
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My old solution still works, so I guess it's fine.
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RE: Comments on Security Traps
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Site not reachable for quite some time --> marking as temporarily down and contacting Mawekl.

Mawekl replied ST will come back!
Last edited by tehron - Apr 29, 2021 - 20:17:49
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RE: Comments on Security Traps
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I don't know if it's okay to post Mawekl's answer here.

Quote from Mawekl

Hey, my friend from Dragon Sector was hosting the site, and I've completely lost contact with him (at the time the server went down), still waiting for a response. He even deleted his twitter account.
I have files like site and challenges backuped, but unfortunately the last database backup (users/scores) is from like 2 years ago (my bad).
I hope my friend will be back and answer.

In the worst case I'm thinking of creating Security Traps v2 with old challenges and new ones.

I'm sorry for the unavailability of the site Sad


The site was/is from another world... a gem in security.
If the scores are lost, not too bad.
The challs were the gems Smile

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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