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CSTutoringCenter.com provides many different kinds of challenges. You are
free to solve them in any language and with any method you like. The site
also features tutorials for C++ and Java to guide you along the way in
solving some challenges. There is also a live help section that allows you
to contact us with any problems you may have with programming (restricted to
C++, Java only). Finally, there are 2 review guides that have been written
for anyone who is just beginning programming. More information can be found
on the site.
Сайты по стране проживания United States
Язык English
Категория меток Math, Programming
WarBoxes 0
Трудность 39.70%
Наслаждение 68.05%

Comments on CSTutoringCenter

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RE: Comments on CSTutoringCenter
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To be honest, I don't really think it is worth much. The challenges as I remember them aren't that high quality (and some are simply bad). From previous interaction I also have very strong doubts about the quality of the code behind the site. Never looked at the tutorials or the sudoku thing, so can't really say anything about that (or check it out, now that the site is down).
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RE: Comments on CSTutoringCenter
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@Gizmore: Alex asks for $5k for it.
@dloser: There is no OOP behind.
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RE: Comments on CSTutoringCenter
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Some questions are still on web.archive.org.
Quote from dloser
To be honest, I don't really think it is worth much. The challenges as I remember them aren't that high quality (and some are simply bad).

I can remember, that some of the series questions had a wrong answer in the database - what explains the low solver numbers to the particular problems. overview. I then looked in the forum to find an old post mentioning that - but it was still not fixed.
For another problem you had to enter a fraction - but not in reduced form.

Off topic:
and now MathChall is down too.
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