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sys.warchall.net is a polish website with a lot of challenges. You can find here hackmes, crackmes, cryptography challenges, programming tasks, logics/riddles, theories and more other stuff.
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Comments on PHMaster

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RE: Comments on PHMaster
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On the page with the challenge number ,author and points,
you will see boxes with + signs on them.
after the points number and before the + sign is some whitespace,
answer goes in there, then press the + sign.

Euhh and the links don't work on the Niestety page,
just use the back button your browser.
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RE: Comments on PHMaster
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PHMaster has now changed its name to Show_Your_Skills and domain to sys.warchall.net

@Gizmore, it seems that the new PHMaster(Show_Your_Skills) will not update here at wechall.
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RE: Comments on PHMaster
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Seems like the format on PHM changed.
I have update WCSite_PHM class accordingly.

Should users expect some changes in their score?

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Comments on PHMaster
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No, no big changes for users score AFAIK.
They have added 3 or 4 new challenges though.

It is just that i got lucky and bagged a chall there earlier today, and the score here was not updated.
However i just tried updating again and it worked Smile
So, good job, thanks gizmore.
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RE: Comments on PHMaster
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I assume this doesn't work as expected: http://sys.warchall.net/
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RE: Comments on PHMaster
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Looks dead to me
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