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Comments on HackQuest

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RE: Comments on HackQuest
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Quote from sabretooth
Jul 09, 2013 - 23:13:46

Quote from alucardo
Jul 09, 2013 - 22:34:29

Anyone who does, please add a reply here so Kender gets the karma to bring the machine back and recover the data.

I don't think spamming a thread with 'count me in!' replies is going to make much of a difference...

(but in case it does, count me in!)


LOL spam spam me too
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RE: Comments on HackQuest
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I'm a unix sysadmin. If the hoster can setup KVM to the machine I would gladly look at it.
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RE: Comments on HackQuest
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I'm not sure if it will help but if you want I can provide you my challenge to get it back online on WeChall (it was called "Combined Mirrored Hated" in HackQuest Special category)

Just let me know if you're interested.

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RE: Comments on HackQuest
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So is there any update regarding it ? It's been like 2 years, didn't they ship the server back ?
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