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RE: Comments on DareYourMind
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Does anyone know what is wrong with Dare Your Mind? I've been getting server timeouts since about twelve hours ago.
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RE: Comments on DareYourMind
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Quote from shadum
Feb 03, 2011 - 15:34:47

Does anyone know what is wrong with Dare Your Mind? I've been getting server timeouts since about twelve hours ago.

Quote from http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/

It's not just you! http://www.dareyourmind.net looks down from here.

Some services are up (ftp, ssh, smtp, irc), others are down (http).
I've put the status to 'Temporarily down' for now.
Last edited by Kender - Feb 04, 2011 - 08:05:41
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RE: Comments on DareYourMind
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Hmm.. it appears as if their webserver process is down. the actual server is still live though. They're either pwned, or having unscheduled downtime. hard telling

nc -vvn 80
nc: connect to port 80 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
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RE: Comments on DareYourMind
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Quote from adkatrit
Feb 03, 2011 - 22:36:09

Hmm.. it appears as if their webserver process is down. the actual server is still live though. They're either pwned, or having unscheduled downtime. hard telling

'pwned' was my thought... I hope not though.

Thanks, everyone, for looking into it.
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dym back in action
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RE: Comments on DareYourMind
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Hum, the site is offline or is the Tor-Browser not able to open it?

Edit: Server is back online, but the auto-update function does not work.
Last edited by Jinx - Apr 03, 2012 - 17:49:40
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