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Comments on pwn.college

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RE: Comments on pwn.college
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So the site linking just had a breakdown. This site apparently had -639 challenges added, with 2 challenges now. Updating this site leads to a database error. Is this problem known?

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RE: Comments on pwn.college
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Yes, the site api was updated to present the optimal output(added Global rank and User count) which has caused this breakage. I will email gizmore. Thanks!
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RE: Comments on pwn.college
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Weird.... for my account i do now get "User is not ranked".
So i could not test the changes, but it might work now.
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RE: Comments on pwn.college
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If you have not solved a challenge, the implementation sorts you as not ranked and returns that message.
There were a lot of spam-generated users on the site so only users who have solved a single challenge are counted.
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RE: Comments on pwn.college
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Makes sense.
It was an oppurtinity to add error display for pwn.college

With the new score script, usercount and challcount are recorded, for graphs, showing how the site grows.

Is it correct that every challenge solved equals one point?

Happy Challenging!
- gizmore
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Yes, the scoring system is very simple, one challenge solve equals one point.
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RE: Comments on pwn.college
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Recently the new community dojos were added. Do I understand correctly that they don't count towards the wechall score?

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RE: Comments on pwn.college
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As the site determines what is included in score/number of challenges, we don't have any influence or knowledge of that.
On the last challenge update, the site reported it has 733 challenges. No idea how much there were before.
Maybe you can ask on their forum/support channel to get a better answer. Smile
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