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Comments on Right-Answer

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RE: Comments on Right-Answer
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Quote from sabretooth
Janvier 27, 2013 - 19:30:47

My name on wechall is sabretooth, my name on right-answer is sabretooth

The site capitalises my username to Sabretooth (something I never do Smile ) Does this have anything to do with the issue?

I dont see why auto-update wont work because the site (not me) decided to change my username Smile


edit - I just noticed you already said that. I dont approve of my username being altered.

I will change your login in "sabretooth" (if you want) and remove the alteration for the new member, you are right Smile
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I was so wrong Smile

wechall is using case sensitive onsitenames.
I thought this would solve the problem of case-sensitivity for all sites, but it doesn't.
instead i think i put a bug there, allowing an account to be linked multiple times on case-i sites.

We need a flag to distingush case-s vs. case-i sites?

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Comments on Right-Answer
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Quote from Zathuros
Janvier 27, 2013 - 20:59:39

I will change your login in "sabretooth" (if you want)

Don't worry about that, its not important Smile Thanks to both yourself and gizmore for fast replies and fixes
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RE: Comments on Right-Answer
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The "Forgot Password" option doesn't seem to work. Tried it twice, never received the e-mail. I was lucky to guess my old password.
I would also like to change my e-mail address, I don't see any option for doing that on "profil.php".

Thank you!
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This site is a zombie. I tried "Forgot Password" option with no success. I tried to register with a new name, seemed to accept it but didn't let me in. tried to report the problem but no answer either.
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And ANOTHER one bites the dust:

Wonder what's going on, is it ISIS taking down challenges sites ?
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This site had nice problems, especially in the math section.
Has anyone kept an archive?

Access was reserved to logged in users, so there's nothing in the wayback machine.
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website is down
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