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FRANCAIS/ANGLAIS : µContest est un site de challenges de programmation qui peuvent toucher aux domaines de la cryptographie, l'algorithmique, le multimedia, l'intelligence artificielle, les réseaux ainsi que la physique.
Pays d'origine des Sites France
Langue French
Tags par Catégories Crypto, Programming, Stegano, Research
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Difficulté 78.85%
Fun 78.57%

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RE: Comments on µContest
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Will the website be down every year or is microcontest just dead?
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RE: Comments on µContest
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Contacted Eisenheim about current condition.
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RE: Comments on µContest
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Hi everyone, sorry for the delay. Microcontest will not come back, it has been permanently closed. Thank you everybody for having participated in solving our challenges !
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RE: Comments on µContest
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That's sad to hear Sad
I registered last year but I really liked the ideas. I think the last one I did was the "Guess the position given the sun angle at azimuth". Challenging!

I wish you all the best for the future!
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RE: Comments on µContest
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I'd say give us a backup and maybe someday we host it again or play with it.
But history showed: i don't have time, and nobody else seems to have time.

We could offer hosting and everything, but well

THX and goodbye MicroContest!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
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RE: Comments on µContest
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Really sad to read that. Hope it will be up again one day.
Thanks for having created it and managed it.
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