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THC is a hack challenge and tournament site for newbies and more advanced hackers. You start off with the easier challenges and as you proceed, the better the challenges will get. We have 11 different categories, ranging from web security to wardriving.
THC Hack Challenges
Pays d'origine des Sites Netherlands, The
Langue English
Tags par Catégories Exploit, Programming, Logic, Cracking, Storyline
WarBoxes 0
Difficulté 50.00%
Fun 25.00%

Comments on Tools & Design

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RE: Comments on Tools & Design
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This site's admin has created a new site for hacking challenges:

"Things have changed, I'm not sure what I'm planning to do with Tools & Design.
The thing is that I've created a new site for the hack challenges, which is a better version of the hack challenges on this site.
For now I'm not sure in which direction I'm heading with Tools & Design, however it will have absolutely nothing to do with hacking.

For now everything is still accessible until further notice"
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RE: Comments on Tools & Design
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Marked site as down. Unless anyone has problems with it, I suggest marking it as dead. The scores are minimal, so that shouldn't be an issue.
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RE: Comments on Tools & Design
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The site is up and running @
I guess it should be set back as active.
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RE: Comments on Tools & Design
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It's not the same site and it hasn't implemented the WeChall API. Are the challenges of any quality by now?
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RE: Comments on Tools & Design
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It seems nobody but the author solved more than 30+ challenges out of 80+, so one couldn't simply answer that Happy. lord0ric seems to have solved quite a few, but probably on the old site. As far as I can guess, at least the first challenges are identical. Maybe someone should try contact the owner?
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RE: Comments on Tools & Design
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I'm the admin of the site, sorry for all the confusion.
Tools & Design, as you seem to know, is down for several years already. The hosting provider stated what I was doing was illegal.

After some time I decided to register a new domain, changed the old layout, squashed some bugs etc.

A couple of days ago I also rewrote the scripts "validatemail.php" and "userscore.php", the funny thing is that remoteupdate.php was still active all the time.
So after I was finished I contacted WeChall using the contact form, I still haven't gotten any reply, so decided to check out the site and stumbled upon this thread that was updated recently to my surprise.

In a nutshell:
- Tools & Design( doesn't exist anymore, it's now THC Hack Challenges(
- all accounts from the old site are still there

Also, in the near future I'll host hacking tournaments on this site where you can win cash prizes(PayPal).

Hope I made some things clear. ;)

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RE: Comments on Tools & Design
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Any progress on this one? Site is still marked as dead
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It seems this one is back online.
tunelko, feicuijade, quangntenemy, TheHiveMind, Z, balicocat, Ge0, samuraiblanco, arraez, jcquinterov, hophuocthinh, alfamen2, burhanudinn123, Ben_Dover, stephanduran89, braddie0, SwolloW, dangarbri, kalungmas have subscribed to this thread and receive emails on new posts.
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