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Juuli 13, 2013 - 03:58

Databases Merged

I am happy to announce...

I have merged the website and database with the real

The first website was a separate host and installation for HES2013 and NSC2013.
Steven from prepared the challenges for these events, and those challs are still available at provided a separate tiny wechall scoreboard, and this database now has been merged into the main site.

So, long story short.... 1 new warbox with 20+ challenges by Steven! \o/

Please read the for gotchas, when you are a legacy user.

We all wish you Happy Challenging!

Mai 20, 2013 - 19:26

RedTiger joined

I am happy to announce...
Red Tiger's Hackits has been put into the wechall rankings, and can now get linked.

The site is quite new, launched in Mai 2009, and offers 10 realistic mysql and php webhacking challenges.
The intention of the author, RedTiger, is to offer real challenges and vulnerabilites to the challengers.

RedTiger's does make use of "Warflags". You can enter the solutions to the challanges on wechall to record your progress.
Linking is still required, where you have to use your wechall nickname as onsitename.

Now we all wish you...
Happy Challenging!

Veebruar 02, 2013 - 00:45 joined

We are Happy to Announce! has joined the wechall network.

It was formerly known as "", and is probably the oldest wargame network that is still active today.
The project currently offers 10 wargames with over 120 challenges, and should be well known amongst the challengers.
Most of the games are about lowlevel memory corruption, varying in their difficulty.
There is also a box called "bandit" available for beginners, teaching basic UNIX security, as well as web based challenges, known as the "natas" box.
You are also welcome in their irc chatroom, ircs://, which has currently about 40 users conncted. is brought to you by Steven, who is the first challenge site admin to implement a new type of scoring protocol, the warbox scoring via identd.

This protocol is brought to you by epoch_qwert. It allows "traditional warboxes" to be scored with a service utilising identd on the warbox and acting as a scoring proxy.

Read about using this scoring procedure in your Profile->Warboxes and in the forum.

Of course we all wish you...
Happy Challenging!

Jaanuar 11, 2013 - 10:15 joined

We are happy to announce! joined the wechall network.
This brand new site, launched in december 2012, is available in German only.
It currently offers 100 challenges from the usual categories, sorted by
relevance; JavaScript, Crypto, Logic, Stegano, Research, Coding, Exploit, Cracking.
The challenges seem to be targeted for beginners and intermediate challengers,
but according to the admin, C-tecx, you
are encouraged to submit more challenges.
He let me know that he created the site because, unlike some other countries,
there are not many German challenge sites available.

At best i let him speak for himself, as gave an informative response when asked
for some background information...

...and of course we all wish you...
Happy Challenging!

Quote from C-tecx

Die Idee einer Challenges Seite habe ich bereits vor ca. 7 Jahren
gehabt. Nicht anders als heute bot der
deutsche Raum außer Happy-Security und MiBs Challenges leider nicht
viel in diesem Bereich an.
Damals nannte ich das Projekt noch "CheckTheHackits". Ende 2006 war
CheckTheHackits schon einmal als Beta Version online. Allerdings waren
noch viele Fehler vorhanden und einige Module noch gar nicht fertig.
Trotz der guten Resonanz musste ich das Projekt aus zeitlichen Gründen
wieder aufs Eis legen und CheckTheHackits offline setzen.
Mitte 2012 habe ich das Projekt wieder aufgenommen und Ende 2012 war es
dann fertig. Das besondere an der Seite ist, dass die User aktiv
mitarbeiten können. Sprich selber neue Hackits einsenden, Tutorials
schreiben und selbst entwickelte Tools bereit stellen können. Auf dem
jeweiligen Profil ist zu erkennen wer wieviele Hackits, Tools,
Links oder Tutorials erstellt bzw. eingesendet hat. Mein Wunsch ist,
dass Hacking-Challenges durch das aktive Mitarbeiten von Usern wächst
und so interessant bleibt. Jedes Mitglied soll die
Möglichkeit haben seine eigenen Ideen einzubringen.

Viele Grüße


November 22, 2012 - 20:09 joined

We are happy to announce...

Another new challenge site has spawned and joined the wechall network. left the alpha stage and officially launched approximately 2 weeks ago and already offers 52 challenges, ready to get solved.
The focus is currently on cryptography, webhacking, stegano and programming. According to the owner, it is planned to add more realistics, and there are some crackits in the queue.
There is currently a competition running, for which the author of the best challenge that got sent in gets a raspberry pi as a prize.

Some words about the admin Smile
Sepehr is 22 years old, studies, and works in the computer support.
He started on, and after it went down decided to code his own challenge site.
CYH is the result, and with many thanks to the admin for joining, we wish you...

Happy Challenging!

Oktoober 12, 2012 - 19:45

Wixxerd joined

We are pleased to welcome a new site to our wechall family: Wixxerd
From what I have seen so far, the site seems suitable for beginners and some of the harder challenges here could get the more experienced thinking a little too.
The site is hopefully set to grow in future, when more of its older challenges are reimplemented for it´s new code structure and give a greater input to our community.
So we give thanks to the admin for setting up the needed scripts and simply say welcome Wixxerd, and we wish you all Happy Challenging!

sabretooth on behalf of the WeChall team

Aprill 20, 2012 - 13:36

SuNiNaTaS joined

I am happy to announce that another challenge site has joined wechall. is another site from south korea, and currently offers 15 challenges in total from the exploit, cracking and forensic categories.
The main language is korean, but the challenge part is available in english too. Unlike most other sites this one is written in, and you maybe can find some exploits for that platform there as well.
The site is rather new, launched in April the first this year, and it's admin is 39 years old and the leader of a pentest team.

Thanks go out to suninatas for writing the required scripts and we wish you ...
Happy Challenging!

Aprill 13, 2012 - 21:01

WeChall TShirth Contest - II

We are happy to announce ...
Some generous member has donated 100 euros which i will invest in three more official wechall tshirts.
Your mission is easi(ly explained): Just solve all the wechall challenges and win an original wechall tshirt.

Big big thanks to that anonymous person to make this possible.

Excluded from the contest are people that have a shirt already.

We wish you ... Happy Challenging!

Aprill 10, 2012 - 17:17

Reversing.Kr joined

The news come a bit late, but i am happy to announce that a new challenge site has joined.
Reversing.Kr has it's focus on reversing and cracking applications on the most popular operating systems.
The site is very new, soon be a month old, and i guess we will see some nice changes and additions in future.
I hope i chose the correct country this time on my own and special thanks go out to Gogil for implementing the needed scripts.

Of course we all wish you.
Happy Challenging!

Aprill 01, 2012 - 13:43

hacking.allowed joined

I am happy to announce!

epoch_qwert has created a new wargame site called "hacking.allowed".
The first challenges are the same as on thebackupbox, but there await you also a lot of new exploits.
The level layout has changed from the linear one-by-one to a non-linear sheme, so you can try each challenge without solving the preceding ones.
Again the box is running NetBSD and you are also welcome trying to own the box completely. Thus he called it "hacking.allowed".
Beside having fun with the challenges you get a free shell account too, and would also be allowed to host small html-only websites.
Personally it's nice to see epoch is still creating challenges, and offers us the opportunity to become real *nix hackers.

Of course we both wish you
Happy Challenging!

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