Global Rank: 901
Totalscore: 28946
Postitused: 13
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Üleshääled: 7
Registreeritud: 10y 68d
Kasutaja on hetkel väljas
Hello everyone,
So far, I analysed the source code and found what I think I had to do.
What I have submitted are [CENSORED]
Tried a lot of combination but nothing is really working.
Any help ?
You are trying the right thing, but apparently not correctly. Keep trying and make sure you are sending it right.
Global Rank: 901
Totalscore: 28946
Postitused: 13
Aitäh: 7
Üleshääled: 7
Registreeritud: 10y 68d
Kasutaja on hetkel väljas
Shouldn't it works just by typing it in the text box ?
I even tried to send data using tamper data but not working too
Don't know about tamper data, but just putting it in a text box is unlikely. You can check what your browser is sending with the developer tools.
Global Rank: 901
Totalscore: 28946
Postitused: 13
Aitäh: 7
Üleshääled: 7
Registreeritud: 10y 68d
Kasutaja on hetkel väljas
Yeah that's why I wanted to say with tamper data, I checked what my browser was sending
Huh? Not in the text box ? Where ?
I think dloser was saying that tamperdata sounds good, and "just the textbox" as in "just entering the hacky string there" would probably not work
think you are on the right track
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.