Restrict session to IP 
Questions  |  score: 2  |  2.20 4.22 3.79 |  Solved By 1666 People  |  110658 views  |  since November 29, 2010 - 19:49:14

Training: WWW-Basics (HTTP, Training)

Training: WWW-Basics
As you know, a popular part of the internet is called the World-Wide-Web.
The www consists of http servers, which serve html documents and other content types.
Your mission here is easy. Setup a www server on your computer, make it accessible by the outside, and serve the file
The content of the file has to be exactly:
My name is Külaline and iChall.
The content has to be exact 32 bytes in length.

As soon as you have set it up you can choose the port your server is using, 80 by default, and hit the button.

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