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Root me ist eine Webseite, die es jedem ermöglicht seine Kenntnisse im Bereich der IT-Sicherheit zu testen und zu erweitern. Unsere Community trägt dabei grundlegend dazu bei diese, dem Erlernen des Hacken gewidmete, Plattform zu erhalten und zu erweitern. Sie tut dies indem sie Übungen (und deren Lösungen) veröffentlicht, Artikel und Kurznachrichten verfasst, neue Programme hinzufügt und, ganz allgemein, die neuesten Ereignisse und Informationen diskutiert.
Land France
Sprache French
Kategorie Realistic, IRC, Programming, Stegano, Cracking, Crypto, Exploit, Shell, JavaScript
Administratoren arod, rootme, g0uZ
Auto Update yes
Hat eigene Rangliste yes
WarBoxes 0
Punkte 46917
Basis-Score 10000
Mitglieder 702275
Challs 565
Gelinkte Mitglieder 1591
Durchschnitt 5.52%
Schwierigkeit 66.67%
Spass 78.12%
IRC Kontakt ircs://
Letzte 2 aktive Mitglieder, sortiert nach letztem Update (14d)
Maximalpunktzahlen für die Seite Root-Me
Anzahl Benutzer auf Root-Me
Anzahl der Challenges auf Root-Me

Comments on Root-Me

Globaler Rang: 77
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Chaosdreamer`s Benutzerbild

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RE: Comments on Root-Me
Google/Übersetzer3Danke Schön!1Gute Nachricht!2Schlechte Nachricht! Link
Could someone have a look - I have linked my account but get the following error when updating:

0 is not a valid response from Root-Me.
Globaler Rang: 253
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Zuletzt gesehen am: 3d 17h
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RE: Comments on Root-Me
Google/Übersetzer2Danke Schön!1Gute Nachricht!1Schlechte Nachricht! Link
Could you please PM your onsitename/onsitemail to me, for further investigation?

The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Globaler Rang: 253
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Zuletzt gesehen am: 3d 17h
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RE: Comments on Root-Me
Google/Übersetzer2Danke Schön!0Gute Nachricht!2Schlechte Nachricht! Link
There is simply no user named "Chaosdreamer" on root-me. If you use "chaosdreamer2" as onsitename (case sensitive) it seems to work.

Maybe there is confusion about how the linking works, and here is a brief explaination.

You have to enter your onsitename and onsitemail for a site, which are the credentials you use on root-me (or any other site being linked)
wechall then asks the site if this combination exists on the site.
This way your nicknames can differ across the sites you play.
If the onsitemail differs from your wechallmail, a confirmation is sent, so you cannot link other people accounts.

Privacy note:
The onsitemails are never saved to the database, however they currently occur in the logfiles.
Logfiles are removed from the server once in a week, but still i think onsitemails should not be recorded anywhere (todo)
The onsitenames, of course, have to be stored in the "RegAt" table, so we know which username has to be sent when you update your scores on a site.

Happy Challenging!

The account "Chaosdreamer" was just not activated. It was possible to link unactivated accounts, which has been fixed on root-me (thx g0uz)
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Zuletzt geändert von gizmore - 19. Jun 2013 16:06:53
Globaler Rang: 253
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Zuletzt gesehen am: 3d 17h
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RE: Comments on Root-Me
Google/Übersetzer3Danke Schön!1Gute Nachricht!2Schlechte Nachricht! Link
The linking process was not working for the past 1 or 2 weeks, due to bigger changes in the Root Me codebase.
Thanks to g0uz, all problems should have been sorted out again.
Also thanks to Keegzer for reporting the problem.

@Keegzer: You have to user your Root Me login for linking, ????s in your case, and not your Root Me displayname ???????s

Happy Challenging!
The geeks shall inherit the properties and methods of object earth.
Globaler Rang: 8701
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Keegzer`s Benutzerbild
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RE: Comments on Root-Me
Google/Übersetzer2Danke Schön!0Gute Nachricht!2Schlechte Nachricht! Link
Zitat von Gizmore
30. Jun 2013 16:43:13

The linking process was not working for the past 1 or 2 weeks, due to bigger changes in the Root Me codebase.
Thanks to g0uz, all problems should have been sorted out again.
Also thanks to Keegzer for reporting the problem.

@Keegzer: You have to user your Root Me login for linking, ????s in your case, and not your Root Me displayname ???????s

Happy Challenging!

It's ok now thank you ;)
Globaler Rang: 6923
Gesamtpunkte: 1534
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Zuletzt gesehen am: 10y 95d
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RE: Comments on Root-Me
Google/Übersetzer2Danke Schön!0Gute Nachricht!2Schlechte Nachricht! Link
I'm sorry but I tried to link my account on Root-me, where my nickname is "GuiRaimbault" and my email address the same as the one I use here but this operation fails everytime.

Could someone provide assistance, please ?

Thanks Smile
Globaler Rang: 579
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Zuletzt gesehen am: 1y 308d
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RE: Comments on Root-Me
Google/Übersetzer1Danke Schön!0Gute Nachricht!1Schlechte Nachricht! Link
If you have an error when trying to update your scores after not being on for a while, try unlinking/relinking your account. Fixed it for me!

EDIT: Whoops, don't do this! Read below.
Zuletzt geändert von BruteThought - 30. Apr 2019 03:12:32
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RE: Comments on Root-Me
Google/Übersetzer2Danke Schön!2Gute Nachricht!1Schlechte Nachricht! Link
Not sure if you are replying to the post before yours, but that one is a bit old.

In any case, you shouldn't have to relink your account ever. That is, unless your username changed on the linked site.

Edit: If it was a long time ago, since the last update, it might be because we've become stricter in not allowing case-insensitive checks. So if you previously linked your account by using different capitalisation, then I guess relinking could solve that.
Zuletzt geändert von dloser - 13. Apr 2018 16:16:20
Globaler Rang: 579
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Nachrichten: 4
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Zuletzt gesehen am: 1y 308d
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RE: Comments on Root-Me
Google/Übersetzer2Danke Schön!1Gute Nachricht!1Schlechte Nachricht! Link
Wasn't a reply, thought it an error exclusive to this site, my bad.

It must have been the capitalization as you said, I relinked with lowercase and that seemed to work.
Zuletzt geändert von BruteThought - 14. Apr 2018 13:31:40
arod, DevilDog, tunelko, feicuijade, quangntenemy, TheHiveMind, Z, balicocat, Ge0, samuraiblanco, arraez, jcquinterov, hophuocthinh, alfamen2, burhanudinn123, Ben_Dover, stephanduran89, braddie0, JanLitwin17, SwolloW, dangarbri haben dieses Thema abonniert und erhalten EMails bei einer neuen Nachricht.
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