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WC Hashing Game (Cracking)

WeChall Hashing Game
Welcome to the WeChall Hashing Game.
Your mission is to crack 2 lists of hahes.
The first list is using the WC3 hashing algorithm, which uses some fixed salt md5.
The second list is using the WC4 hashing algorithm, which uses salted sha1.

The solution is the 2 longest plaintexts of each list, concatenated with a comma.
Example solution: wordfrom1,wordfrom1,wordfrom2,wordfrom2.

The goal of this challenge is to demonstrate the advantage of the new algo over the old.
Note: All passwords are lowercase and real english words from a dictionary.
Some thanks go to Z, for encouraging me to change WC4 hashing algorithms.

Happy cracking!
Ihre Lösung für WC Hashing Game
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