0) ob_end_clean(); apache_setenv('no-gzip', 1); ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 0); # The core and init chdir('../../../'); $_GET['mo'] = 'WeChall'; $_GET['me'] = 'Challenge'; $cwd = getcwd(); require_once 'protected/config.php'; require_once '../gwf3.class.php'; $gwf = new GWF3($cwd, array( 'website_init' => true, 'autoload_modules' => true, 'load_module' => true, 'get_user' => true, 'do_logging' => true, 'blocking' => false, 'no_session' => false, 'store_last_url' => true, 'ignore_user_abort' => false, )); # Need noothtable! require_once 'challenge/noother/stop_us/noothtable.php'; # Get challenge define('GWF_PAGE_TITLE', 'Stop us'); if (false === ($chall = WC_Challenge::getByTitle(GWF_PAGE_TITLE))) { $chall = WC_Challenge::dummyChallenge(GWF_PAGE_TITLE, 3, 'challenge/noother/stop_us/index.php', false); } $price = 10.00; # Price for a domain. $user = GWF_User::getStaticOrGuest(); $sid = GWF_Session::getSession()->getID(); noothtable::initNoothworks($sid); # init domain stuff. ?> [WeChall] noother-Domain.com

noother-domains.com (powered by WeChall)

Thank you for using noother-domains.com!', noothtable::getMoney($sid))); } } if (Common::getGetString('purchase') === 'domain') { if (noother_timeout($sid) === false) { nooth_message('Checking your balance ...'); nooth_message(sprintf('Your balance is $%.02f ...', noothtable::getMoney($sid))); if (noothtable::getMoney($sid) >= $price) { nooth_message('Balance ok!'); # TODO: Do checks more checks! nooth_message('Checking availability of your domain ...'); nooth_message('Domain is available ...'); # +1 domain if (false === noothtable::purchaseDomain($sid)) { die('Hacking attempt!'); } nooth_message('Purchasing ...'); nooth_message('Domain purchased.'); # -$10.00 nooth_message('Reducing your balance ...'); noothtable::reduceMoney($sid, $price); nooth_message('Thank you for your purchase!'); # Done! nooth_message('Purchased!'); # Something weird? Oo if (noothtable::getFundings($sid) < noothtable::getDomains($sid)) { GWF_Module::loadModuleDB('Forum', true, true); # Get here, hacker! $chall->onChallengeSolved(GWF_Session::getUserID()); } nooth_message('Thank you for using noother-domains.com!'); } else { nooth_message('Insufficient funds!'); } } } # The page! ?>
Username: displayUsername(); ?>
Upload money()
Purchase domain
= 0) { nooth_message(sprintf('Please wait %s until the next transaction.', GWF_Time::humanDuration(45))); return true; } return false; } function nooth_message($message, $sleep=2) { echo sprintf('
', $message).PHP_EOL; flush(); sleep($sleep); } ?>