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Januari 18, 2017 - 17:37

World of Wargame is now active!

The Spanish site World of Wargame as been in the "coming soon" section for quite some time, but finally it is soon!

Quote van hds
World of Wargame is a spanish wargame that was created back in 2009 to help spanish speakers begin with information security challenges and one of the few still running, it is aimed for starters so you can find challenges from very easy to medium difficulty.

We have seven categories distributed across 101 challenges:
- Basic cryptography
- A lot of steganography challenges
- Identification of images related to computers
- CAPTCHA cracking
- Programming
- Web application security
- And miscellaneous

The wargame includes a shop where you can buy hints with points, a system to earn points when rating a challenge, a list of solutions from users (3.5k approximately), and digital "gifts" you can find on your profile page that are given while solving the problems.

I hope you enjoy it and solve all the challenges!

Happy Challenging!
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