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CGX#8: Base 64 (Encoding, Training, CGX)

  • Helyes válasz. De még nem regisztráltál.
CGX: Base64
Hello future Hackers,

Another encoding is the Base64.
You can read about it on Wikipedia.

Alternatively, here is a brief proof-checked explaination from chatGPT:

Base64 is a way of encoding information into a text string that can be quickly decoded. It can be used to represent binary data such as images and audio files in a way that is more compatible with any transmissions. It is widely used. Any text string encoded with Base64 can be easily decoded with the appropriate software.

- gizmore and x
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# CGX#8: Base 64

This video talks a bit about base 64 and shows how to implement an encoder in PHP.

This is video #8 in a series of learning IT in general.


- Charsets (again)
- Memory alignment (missing)

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